Welcome to The Shala Dubai Yoga Book Club, where the love for reading meets the wisdom of yoga! This is a space for curious minds and open hearts to come together and explore the teachings of yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth through inspiring literature. Each month, we dive into a book that enriches our practice, sparks meaningful conversations, and deepens our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, our book club is a warm and welcoming community where we can learn, share, and grow together on and off the mat.

Join us as we connect through the power of words and the timeless wisdom of yoga!

Join The Shala Dubai Book Club

  • The Yoga of The Yogi

    "The Legacy of T. Krishnamacharya"

    by Kausthub Desikachar

    Reading #10

  • The Voice of Knowledge

    "A Practical Guide to Inner Peace"

    by Miguel Ruiz

    Reading n#9

  • The Art of Vinyasa

    "Awakening Body and Mind through the Practice of Ashtanga Yoga"

    by Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor

    Reading n#8

  • The Heart Of Yoga

    "Developing a Personal Practice"

    by T. K. V. Desikachar

    Reading n#7

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    by Edwin F. Bryant

    Reading #6

  • Krishnamacharya

    "His Life and Teachings"

    by A.G.Mohan

    Reading n#5

  • Yoga and the quest for the true self

    by Stephen Cope

    Reading #4

  • The Untethered Soul

    "The Journey Beyond Yourself"

    by Michael A. Singer

    Reading #3

  • Breath

    "The New Science of a Lost Art"

    by James Nestor

    Reading #2

  • Ageless

    "A Yogi's Secrets To A Long And Healthy Life"

    by Sharath Jois

    Reading #1